Westbrook Historical Society

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The Historical Society of Westbrook, MAINE

The Historical Society is now open Tuesday and Saturday mornings, 9 - 12 NOON

- View the latest Historical Society Newsletter on the Newsletter Page -

We can be contacted via westhistorical@myfairpoint.net Please continue to check out our web pages as we will still be adding new information, i.e. 'Photo of the Month' and other interesting items. Hopefully it will keep you busy and will help you learn about our City.

*The Society will open at special times, on request, for special group meetings or just for research.
To make an appointment for a visit at a time different from our usual open times, call 207.854.5588
on Tuesday or Saturday between 9 and 12, or send us an e-mail: westhistorical@myfairpoint.net

*****VISIT US*****
Our home at 426 Bridge Street
(Westbrook Community Center)

The purpose of the Westbrook Historical Society is to bring together those people interested in the history of Westbrook, Maine and to discover, collect, and preserve any materials and objects that establish and illustrate the history of the area.

The members of the Society are the stewards of the heritage of our city. Westbrook has an exceedingly rich and diverse history, richer than most. We don't want any of it to be lost or forgotten, and with these motives we have become central to its preservation. In fact, our motto is, "A Society That Preserves the Past." We do that as surrogates for everyone in Westbrook and, in a very true civic sense, for the city itself.

Please explore our site: visit our Collections and research materials; attend the Programs we offer; enjoy our Activities where you can see our Interesting Photo of the Month.

For Membership Information, click HERE
For House Survey Information, click HERE

wcc2The Society is housed at the Westbrook Community Center. Entrance on right side of building


© 2006 Westbrook Historical Society, 426 Bridge Street, Westbrook, Maine 04092     •    (207) 854-5588                                                        Contact Us
by magtreedesigns